Moving On

God is so good and He rewards those who seek Him diligently. It’s been approximately

Super Natural

Super Natural

one year and three months when I received my first job offer. It wasn’t long before that when I learned that my wife decided she wasn’t coming back from Australia. So in a nutshell I was offered a big job in Texas, my wife wasn’t coming back from Australia and she was pregnant, and then learned that my boss was retiring. Wow! This was a lot to soak in all at once.

What could I do? I already lived the crazy life and knew in my heart I didn’t want to return to that. So I decided it would be best to continue seeking God in my life. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33. So that’s what I did because he has all the answers. Did I receive them all at once, of course not.

So the first thing I did was pray about the job offer in Texas and immediately received a no from the Lord. I prayed again and received confirmation. We were now under new management and I couldn’t think of one logical reason why the Lord said no. Honestly, I figured I would retire from this company because they gave me a chance to show them what I could do. Bottom line: my loyalty lied with them.

So here we are now in the present moment and as I pen these words my old boss is doing great and really enjoying his retirement. I go and see him at least once a month. My wife is now my ex-wife in Australia with a beautiful little girl who is almost two years old now. That has pretty much come to absolutely nothing, am I upset about it, of course not. It is what it is. Do I understand it? No, but God does. And God causes all things to work together for the good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28. I continue to trust in his word, do I know why all this happened? I have no clue whatsoever and it’s been my experience that God takes what we call bad situations and turns them around for the good in our lives. Honestly, my curiosity is peaked at this point in time, Lord what is it!

Now the job situation is a little different at this point in time. All I can say is I thank God for my old boss retiring, and I thank God for keeping me at Fashion Inc. for an extra year because the truth about many things came to light. I remember my old boss telling me keep an open mind when it comes to your employment. I didn’t quite understand what he meant so I asked him. He said when the job offers start rolling in always take them into consideration. He knew something I didn’t know, and that was the fact other companies would be seeking me out. The idea of that never crossed my mind.

I’m sure you can guess what happened next, yes they started rolling in and one really stood out to me. I met with these people and we spent quite a bit of time together. They are really nice Christian people and they have one thing on their mind which is truly amazing to me. Anytime I inquire about the job all they can say is just come here and do what you did at Fashion, bring the people together.

So I’m sitting here thinking the main reason they want me to come work for them is because of my ability to bring people together in Christ. I’m completely in awe my friends, I never would have thought people would want me to work for them because of that reason. God is so good to us, and he never ceases to amaze us. So I will let you know that I prayed about the job and I received a yes.

Where did this happen? It happened in a church in Lawrence, KS. A friend of mine told me there was a guest speaker named Babatunde Okaye from Nigeria sharing the word that morning so I went. When it was over he asked me to come up. I went up and he began to pray for me. When he finished he looked me right in the eye and said I just had a vision and in that vision I saw you holding a suit case in your hand and said it’s alright to leave. I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t tell him anything, he just began to pray. He also said that I will write over twenty four best selling books and my finance will over flow. Once again, I said nothing to him and I have already had one book published. Pretty amazing! Then I prayed again and received confirmation to go.

So that’s where I’m at my friends. I will be moving soon so I would like for you all to keep me in your prayers. Especially for courage and boldness to continue to do what I do, I really appreciate it. God bless you all.

Youth leader,




About spiritministries

I am a man who has learned not to rely on my own understanding the hard way. God revealed himself to me two and a half years before I got out of prison. It's the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. There is truly only one way and that is to have a relationship with God. Since my release S.P.I.R.I.T Ministries has came to fruition. We meet every Wednesday night at 7p.m. God asked me to write a book, in 18 months I finished Rock Bottom; Inspired by God, He provided me with a web blog, thank you Andrew, as you can see, I am a motivational-inspirational speaker, and singer. We now have a band known as The Un-Scene, you can find the link on my web site and check it out on face book. I am just a man who was given true life while in prison, freedom, salvation, and unspeakable joy by the grace of God. We go many places to speak and sing for the glory of God. I just want to share what God has done in my life that you may have the opportunity to experience the same joy He gave me. I give God all the glory for everything in my life for I couldn't accomplish anything a part from Him. If ye shall know the truth, the truth shall set you free, John 8:32. If you would like to hear us just contact me and God willing we will remain obedient. God bless you all.
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2 Responses to Moving On

  1. mike holtwick says:

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

  2. leftnfree says:

    God is the God of the supernatural! He is the God who turns our doubts and fears into faith and reality. Even the worse things that happen He can use for His glory! I praise God with you and am so glad that you are trusting Him! Keep your eyes on Him who has set the captives free! He won’t fail you no matter what!!! So excited for you Michael. Looking forward to hearing more and more about your new job and all that God is going to do with you. Prayers continue for you my friend!!

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